A mental dash along the West Coast of the US. 2,133 miles (3,432 km) on bikes from Seattle to Los Angeles and further into the desert and Las Vegas.
June-July 2015.
Part 1.
Toothless in Seattle.

Toothless in Seattle…
Part 2.
You Can’t Escape the Road King.

You Can’t Escape the Road King
Part 3.
Ochre Dunes & Red Woods.

Ochre Dunes & Red Woods
Part 4.
San Francisco: Old Friends & Rainbows.

San Francisco:
Old Friends & Rainbows
Part 5.
Crazy-ass LA.

Crazy-Ass LA
Part 6.
We are Idiots, or Welcome to the Desert!

We are Idiots,
or Welcome to the Desert!
Part 7.
What to Do in Vegas, if You are Not into Gambling.

What to Do in Vegas,
if You are Not into Gambling
Part 8.
Nuptials, Interrupted.

Nuptials, Interrupted
Part 9.
The Day & Morning After.

The Day & Morning After
Part 10 (Final).
Back to Reality.

Back to Reality